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Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Introduction of Java

Hello guys....I'll be introducing you about java-based programming. I'll be introducing you about java.Java-based programming is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems and published in 1995. Java programming language was originally born out of The Green Project. The project was initiated by Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, James Gosling and Bill Boy along with nine other programmers from Sun Microsystems. To run the project is Sun's plan to create an operating system built in C + +. However, James Gosling was not satisfied with the programming languages ​​C + + and finally he decided to create its own programming language called Oak. The name was taken from a tree visible from his office window.

Oak is based on C + + language syntax. But Oak simpler than C + +, more stable and better support network-programming. Besides Oak is made of pure object-oriented. Oak language created as a language that is not tied to one platform (cross-platform or multi-platform). At that time the Internet started a new history of the WWW (World Wide Web). The first GUI browser was Mosaic. Sun saw another gap in the Web world. Sun felt that Oak language multi-platform and intended for interactive and distributed programming is suitable for the Web. They made ​​the Mosaic as an initial basis to create the first Java browser, later named the Web Runner.

In 1995, the name Oak was replaced with the name as an existing Java software patenting the name. Java name taken from a pure ground coffee directly favorite James Gosling. In 1995, Java became the standard language in the Internet world.

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